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National Truck Driver School is proud to introduce Billy Thompson from Kingsland, GA.

Billy just retired from 20 year of honorable military service. During his time in the service Billy had the priviledge to visit many other countries throughout the world. Although these moments are unforgetable and very few people will ever experience themselves, Billy, like many of our veterans that attend our school never really have a chance to experience our own beautiful country. Usually this is due to the very long periods being deployed in foreign lands defending our freedoms.

Billy’s exact words: “After 20 years in the military and seeing many other countries I thought this would be a great way to see our beautiful country and earn a living at the same time.”

It seems a career as a professional truck driver is well suited for our veterans. As any military veteran can attest, getting out of the service can be a hard adjustment with the slower pace and completely different routine. Typical 9-5 jobs don’t fulfill that spirit of adventure. Life in the military always brings something new to experience. A 9-5 job doing the same thing day in and day out can be excrutiating torture for some military veterans.

Trucking fills this need and sense of adventure. Life on the open road experiencing something new everday and wondering what’s around the next corner is what being a trucker is all about.

Billy is now living another adventure… in his own country. He can now see what he’s been fighting for.

During Billy’s time with us he had many challenging experiences including the first challenge of getting behind the wheel of these powerful machines for the first time. It can be intimidating but the real challenge of driving these big rigs isn’t getting them to go forward in the direction you want; its getting them to go backwards in the direction you want. Backing always seems to be the biggest challenge for any trucking student. However, with the tremendous amount of practice and instruction we provide the vast majority of our students manage to pass with flying colors.

In fact, Billy says learning the backing proceedures was one of his greatest accomplishments. “Learning to back and make right turns. But after my instructors showed me the proper way to do it and some practice, I was able to do both. Thank you all.”


The “right turns” Billy referred to in his statement is what is known as “off tracking”. Off tracking is what happens to a semi tractor-trailer whenever it makes a turn… usually a right turn due to how sharp right turns can be. When a tractor-trailer makes a right turn or a tight left turn the rear wheels of the trailer do not follow the path of the front wheels of the tractor as they do on a car. With proper instruction by our instructors Billy, and the rest of the students, have mastered this proceedure.

Billy managed to perform these manuevers and all the rest of the training so well our instructor selected him for this honor and had the following to say about him.

Instructors comments: “Billy was a great student. He worked hard to apply the information given. We are proud that we had him as a student.

Skip Forbes
Instructor, National Truck Drivers School


Congratulations Billy… you deserve this honor.

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